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Basic Conquest Plan With Offsite Backup Subscription

Please enter information on the form below to process subscription for Basic Conquest Plan With Offsite Backup.

Existing user? Please login

New User? Please register

Account Information

This is what you want your game name to be

What do you want your hostname to be? That is, *.gameplayer.club...

Describe what your game is about

Enter your paypal email address here to receive any donations. Enter "none" if you don't want to use these features. Note this is a email address, not street address.

Do you want to be notified when someone downloads a file from your website. Can be a dozen or so emails a day, but recommended so you know your website is being used...

Do you want the live chat feature on your website?

Do you want additional languages on your website?

Where do you want your server hosted?

Do you want to be notified if your server runs low on SSD space?

If you want one of our free domains, please select it here. If you want a domain of your own choose "custom" and fill in the desired domain field.

If you want to have a custom domain that you manage please enter it here. We will send you your MUDs IP address so you can set up your DNS domain. Otherwise you can use one of our free domains.

Do you want the Support feature? This lets users create support tickets.

Payment Information

$3.00 for the first Month
Then $19.00 for each Month
By signing up to this subscription plan and agreeing to the Privacy Policy you agree to this web site storing your information.
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Set of techniques which have for object the commercial strategy and in particular the market study.